Camp Arrah Wanna's AWSOM Program exists to provide young adults (16-25) an opportunity to gain real-world work experience while also creating an environment that grows their faith and ability to live in Christian community.

Interns are involved in day-to-day operations of running the Camp: Guest Hosting, Housekeeping, Laundry, Food Prep & Serving, Trash Rounds, Water Rounds, Lifeguarding, Facilitating Activities, assisting with maintenance and the Summer Camp program, running the Camp Store, general property upkeep and other assigned tasks.

AWSOM Interns will live on-site at Camp Arrah Wanna for the summer season, sharing space with other AWSOM Interns in the Main Lodge Loft. Each bedroom has two twin beds. Bathrooms (2) and showers (2) are shared by all ten Interns. A shared "common room" is used for hanging out, team meetings, Bible studies. Camp Arrah Wanna Staff direct and assist AWSOM Interns in learning to thrive in sharing life and space together.

Additionally, each AWSOM Intern is given a "BANK" of special-request OFF-DAYS (1 "BANKED" OFF-DAY per week you commit to working for the summer). If there are specific days you would like to request off, in addition to your scheduled OFF-DAY, that day will most likely be taken from your "BANK". Each BANKED DAY that is left UNUSED at the end of the season will become a $10 cash Bonus!

CAW will not be able to grant days off in addition to the Special-Request OFF-DAYS in your "BANK".

Applicants for the AWSOM Internship Program should be seeking to honor God in every area of their lives, striving to live out the fruit of the Spirit and desiring to participate in this ministry with the heart of a servant, with a teachable spirit, a willingness to learn new things and be adaptable so as to re-learn old skills, habits, or traits when necessary. The AWSOM Program is a Christian leadership and discipleship experience that takes from our greater American Baptist tradition but is not limited to those with American Baptist roots.

​Life at Camp is busy and does have stressful moments: Maintaining a positive attitude even with long work days, early mornings, and hot weather will go a long ways! Living and working alongside the same small group of individuals can sometimes be tedious and learning to communicate personal needs and to offer grace toward others will help ensure success for all. Participation in group AWSOM activities, adventures, conversations and Bible studies is required.

--> Food & Lodging: provided while you stay on-site at Camp
​          (work-days and off-days; valued at $58/day)

--> Daily stipend of $50/day each day worked

          (additional $5/day for returning AWSOM Interns, per year)

--> $25 Bonus if you complete your contracted dates

--> $25 Bonus if you work entire 82-day season

          (June 15-September 4)


Your Mt. Hood home for camps, conferences, retreats and events

Galatians 5:13

CAW will provide a safe place to live & work as well as diverse opportunities to grow in workplace ethic & experience, and in faith & experience with God.
​CAW will also provide the following:

Questions? Email Corey:

AWSOM Interns receive a minimum of one OFF-DAY during each Sunday to Saturday work-week. These OFF-DAYS will most likely be different each week and will not necessarily be the same as other Interns. Some weeks may include more than one OFF-DAY, which will depend on the needs of our scheduled Guest Groups. Keep in mind that our work days are full, but we also provide breaks and down-time whenever possible. Fun and purposeful AWSOM activities will also happen during and after the work days as well. Participation in these team activities is mandatory.

"...serve one another humbly in love."